Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Simpsons Game

Alright, I will have to say I enjoyed this game. The cut scenes were funny ala the Simpsons tv show. And the jokes didn't get too old. The differing abilities for each member of the Simpson family makes for a enjoyable experience. Homer turning into a giant ball of blubber, Marge telling mobs of children and dogs what to do, Bart being akin to Batman, and Lisa doing her zen sax thing, are all very wonderful experiences that anyone who enjoys the tv show, should definitely experience.

All in all though, I'm going to give this game my worst rating yet. This is mainly because the camera angles were the absolute worst out of any game I've ever played. People think Ninja Gaiden is bad? Try this game, if you go too close to the wall you cannot move the camera because the developer didn't allow for that to happen.

The puzzles are irritatingly hard. I hated doing them because of all the repetition involved in it. All in all it reminded me of a crappy version of Conker. Conker was much more fun and the developers spent a lot more time on it. This one felt as if Matt Groening just pasted the Simpsons onto a video game to make a few extra bucks.

Though if you like movie references/parodies and enjoy the Simpson's game, I would recommend it. It only took about 5 hours of gameplay.

A high 7.5 for this one. Rent it, actually... borrow it, but don't buy it.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Assassin's Creed

Alright, I've delayed this one long enough. For the first three hits I really enjoyed this game. It was fun. A new concept and it allowed you to scale almost any building in the game. You help the poor and kill their oppressors and the fighting was pretty good for a third person action that doesn't have you flying around all the time ala Ninja Gaiden.

But it gets extremely repetitive. You have 9 guys to kill in 3 cities. Not that big a deal except in order to kill them you have to glean information off the inhabitants of the town. Now that wouldn't be that big a deal except the towns are pretty big and you have to climb a tower close enough to the info-atm in order to start it. There are about 20 towers in each city (like this one:
so you spend 1 hour trying to find the guy that you have to listen to talk for 20 minutes about some minute detail.

There's not so much the "silent assassin" as I would've liked. You essentially jump down into the middle of 10 guards and kill them all. It's pretty easy as long as you don't accidently press the L1 button.

The plot is really good as far as I've gotten into it. (I'm gonna let my roommate finish up the game because he's much farther along than I am and he wanted to.) I really want to know what happens. Reminds me of how I felt about Bioshock. The only problem is that it's so damn repetitive that I want to gouge my eyes out from seeing the same city over and over again. But maybe that's just me.

This is a game I'd recommend playing. It is a refreshing change from all the 20th century WWII style games. Crusades!!!! There's ingenuity. I don't know if I would buy it, but I'll definately give this a 8.4. Better than Bad Company and very fun to play, but not the best game out there. When compared to other stealth type games, this one isn't close to Splinter Cell. The first one at least.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Battlefield: Bad Company

Please... Will someone please tell Developers to stop making WWII games. Or at least war games period. The whole purpose of this is what exactly? Starting with Wolfenstein 3d. Maybe earlier, I wasn't born then so I don't know, but please just stop it. You make a game built in the 20th century and then put futuristic guns in there? What the hell?!?! It's not supposed to be futuristic.

Anyways, all ranting aside, this was a typical shooter. Definately not something I would buy. Reminds me of Bard's Tale. A renter that is enjoyable (the jokes got old fast) and the game play is so typical. I want to see something new and original. At least something that will keep my attention for more than just a few hours. Maybe I've been spoiled by the good games out there.

I'll give it an 8.2. The graphics were good. The gameplay was decent and the banter between the company was fun, but I can't make myself like the game at all. So 8.2 it is. And sent back to the store after one night of playing it. Maybe I'm too picky...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bioware Star Wars MMO

This has such great potential. Bioware is probably my favorite game designer and it hasn't disappointed me yet. Best known for it's Knight's of the Old Republic Games, it epitomizes the Star Wars culture without being irritating like George Lucas is with his newest 3 episodes.

What I'd love to see:

1. A storyline. An MMO hasn't pulled off a legitimate storyline ever. I dunno if they can do it in this one, I don't even know if it's possible for an MMO to have a legitimate storyline, but if it pulls it off as well as it's other games, this game is golden.

2. Keep the combat simple. I haven't played AoC, but WoW's combat was very simple, especially when compared to something like Galaxies.

3. Of course the force has to be powerful, but don't make it so everyone wants to be a Jedi. We need some sort of balance, otherwise you'll have too many jedi and not enough ewoks to take down the boss.

4. Did I mention a storyline? It could be so good. Playing with your friends through a story. Think about it!!!

Bioware has the reputation for me to attempt this game based on just that, but if they screw this up I won't play it for long.

Tentatively scheduled for 2009. Here's to the real WoW Killer.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

On the Rain-Slick Precipice

Demo version:

Well, I played the demo of this. It took about an hour. I didn't expect anything more. It left me wanting to play the rest of it so I'll give it that too. If you enjoy Penny Arcade comics then definately give this game a try.

You have to create a character in the beginning whose house gets smashed by a giant Fruit ****er. Gabe and Tycho come out of nowhere chasing after it. It plays like a final fantasy game with a turn based combat (Sorry Gabe, you shoulda convinced them to do like Xbox's fight night) and displays an array of decent attacks/items you can you use in combat. All in all, I will score it pretty low because it lends itself only to a few of the many gamers out there. If I hadn't been reading the Penny Arcade comics I wouldn't have gotten about 75% of the jokes, though to be honest I wouldn't have downloaded the game at all if I hadn't seen the advertisement on their web page... so I guess they did a good enough job.

If you enjoy the comics at all, at least try the demo. $20 for a game isn't worth the game imo but then again, it's a long plane ride home and I might need something to preoccupy myself.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Brilliant Idea

This idea won't ever work... But it's a nice thought anyways. I want the PS3 and the 360 to allow cross platform online gaming. Sports games on both consoles would be a good start.

Like I said, it won't ever work because Microsoft and Sony are money whores who don't understand that the best way for peace on earth is to allow everyone to video game together. I blame those two power houses for the rise in capitalism and why the world is going to hell nowadays.

Maybe if we all sign a petition?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Been a while

Yes, I know... it's been a long time since I last posted. However, I have a good excuse. My 360 received the Red ROD. And refused to play any games. So, I used my warranty, and now it's back. I also got a 50 inch plasma HDTV courtesy of that top salesman, so now I officially feel like I'm a legitimate gamer. At least, until she comes back in August.

Ninja Gaiden 2 - The "wow" factor has decreased quite a bit, while the bosses are so much easier than the first one. I have no idea what the plot is, so I just run around killing as many monsters as I can on my way to the boss. If this keeps up, I doubt I'll finish it. I'm going to have to drop Ninja Gaiden 2 down to a 8.3. Good enough to have fun with, but not a great game by any stretch of the imagination.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - My brother just got a ps3 especially for this game. Dubbed "The best game yet" by it's creators, I'm still wondering what they were smoking. Even with an HDMI cable, the graphics are just ok. Yeah it's realistic, but you can't jump, you move like a tank, and the gameplay requires you to go so slow that I got bored in the first level. The plot is decent. Maybe it's one of those "you have to play the rest of them" type of games. If this is the best PS3 has to offer, than I'll be a Xbox guy for life.

FIFA '08 - I got this last night, and the first thing that comes to mind is that defense is so easy in this game. This is good because now you actually have to work for goals. None of this super shots from half field. It also gives you more to celebrate when you actually do score.

That's about all I've been doing for the past few weeks. I'll keep you posted on any new games coming out.