Monday, August 25, 2008

Sega Superstars Tennis

What with school starting and all that, I am going to have to limit my gamefly intake. I just don't have that much time to play anymore. I guess I should probably cancel it till next summer. Anyways, Sega Superstars Tennis came in the mail. I wanted Fusion Frenzy 2, but they decided not to send that out.

When I first played this, I hated it. This game was stupid. Took too long to learn how to play, and when you did it became ridiculously easy. I chose to play Tails. Mainly because I like Tails, and partially because I played Mario Tennis and Boo was the best guy to be because he could do wicked crazy spin. And spin beats all in regular games (maybe I should take a lesson and learn how to spin the ball in table tennis).

I was going to rate this at 3.5 or so. In case you haven't been paying attention, that rating means that all copies should be burned immediately lest anyone get infected. But, after playing a little bit with some friends, I will have to raise it to 5.2. It's not a good game, it's worse than a bad game. But it had it's moments during multiplayer to warrant no burning.

Again, the game has to be really good to warrant me keeping it longer than a week, especially with school beckoning. So, I am going to give this the worst rating yet. It feels like Sega took a page out of George Lucas' book and can't resist the opportunity to profit off a previous good game.