Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Unreal Tournament 3

The last UT I played was Unreal Championship (thanks Micah) in 2003. I enjoyed it. It was no Halo, but it was enjoyable and the guns were pretty good. I didn't play online that much but that's cause Microsoft likes to charge to do that. I understand this is a multiplayer game. The story line doesn't allow for anything except multiplayer. You have to play against bots or other players.

Well, the graphics are decent. I finally was able to have fun playing a first person shooter again. There are very few third person shooters that work. Mass Effect did a good job with it, but it could barely be qualified as a shooter. But I got off the beaten track. Unreal Tournament 3 was kinda crappy and stupid.

Everything moved very very well, but this is a game made for 13-16 year old guys. The main characters are disproportional, if you play the game on single player, your bots are too stupid to do anything so you have to capture every flag, but if you leave the base, the other team goes in and grabs your flag no problem. It's infuriating. You have to do EVERYTHING on your own, by yourself. Yeah, this makes you the biggest badass on the planet, but it gets very very lonely out there all by yourself.

The only girl in the whole story is your sister, so that's a nogo. Your name is Reaper, your sister's name is Jester (who named these kids), your sniper's name is Bishop and recites Psalm 23 while he shoots people (original right?), and the token black guy, in a stroke of genius, is named Othello (who in the only truly enjoyable part of this game yet, quotes Shakespeare's Othello).

I'm sure this would be more fun if I played with other people, but I also realize that this game is about dieing and killing fast. Literally, you could be alive and then die within 10 seconds of gameplay. Not really my idea of fun. Also the load screens after a match are the most retarded design in the history of gaming. All you can do is sit there while the game doesn't do anything for about 2 minutes. Then it loads, and doesn't give you the chance to look around at the scores.

This game was not very good at all. If you're a UT fan, you'll enjoy it, but otherwise get something else more enjoyable.


This is a game that does not work on a console. Me and my roommate got in a huge discussion which ended with both of us realizing the difference between console gamers and PC gamers. So, with that easter egg, that's where I'm coming from.


T.D. said...

Here's a story bout a brother by the name of Othello,
He liked white women and he liked green Jell-O.
And a punk named Iago who made himself a menace,
cause he didn't like Othello, the moor of Venice!

Feedthebird said...

and Othello went off and married Dez Demona,
he went off to the wars and he left her alona,
it was amoana,
he left her alona,
he didn't write a letter and he didn't telephona.

Beta_Grumm said...

Ok i have to admit... I had a 3 page retaliation in the making and I was about to release it upon bird's world. I'm a pc gamer, and knowing what i know about UT on the pc, I thought bird was being totally unfair and in bad taste. But the truth is, UT is not as good on the console as it on the pc.
I'm a decent UT fan, and after going home and playing UT3 on the xbox 360, it sucked. I'm dissapointed how much they changed in order to adapt it for console players. It comes across as bloated and dumbed down.

Apart from the poor console experience, the game its self was a bit of a disappointment. Its still classic UT, and its new graphics make over is amazing, although guess what, the pc verion with the right hardware is better. (no surprise)

They removed a few game modes such as bombing run and assult (what were they thinking with that one?)

ok i need stop, this is supposed to be a comment not full on review post.
BUT i will say that I can appreciate bird's reviews a little more now knowing that just because i know a game on the pc... doesn't mean its the same game on console.
Bird knows his consoles, and I look forward to the next gamefly delivery...