Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

First of all, I'll get the good things about it out of they way. The graphics are amazing. Obviously they spent time getting all the cars that they have just right. The game has a good feel for a racing game. And... that's pretty much it.

Yeah a great feel for a RACING game. If we only had racing games to play this game would be the best one. But who in their right mind wants to play racing games? If there isn't anything better, yeah I'll play a racing game. But I'll never buy it, nor will I ever rent it. It costs $40 to buy the prologue. That doesn't cut away from the price later. You have to pay $100 for a stupid racing game that has a horrible soundtrack. Seriously, play something I enjoy listening to for once. Not some cacophonic techno remix of a techno remix of cats wailing while playing the violin.

The graphics are amazing... Well the car graphics are amazing. The crowd is pasted onto some bleachers. They don't even move really. I had better crowds in NBA live '99. You spend so much time getting the cars perfect you might as well get everything else perfect too. Maybe you're supposed to look beyond the crowds, though. Well all the "scenery" is the same damn mountain floating in the background. Looking like you're driving in front of a backdrop.

But again, maybe I'm looking at it in the wrong way. Maybe, just maybe, I need to just enjoy the experience of driving a car. Well, I drove it. It was fun. For the first race. Then I started getting bored, and decided to dink around. You know what? You can't even flip your damn car. It doesn't explode, doesn't take any damage, and worst of all, you can't crash at all. All you do is skid out and end up looking the opposite way.

I even tried to crash, but the AI is so smart that it's able to drive around you when you are going back and forth on the track, but not so smart as to move out of the way when you're driving straight at it. The replayability is stupid, and I wouldn't buy this game at all. I'll put it on the same par of Halo 2.

Granted, this is just the prologue.



T.D. said...

Sounds just like the old ones. Static backdrop everything with cars that drive like lead weights. This game is made for those individuals that get all hot and sweaty looking at pictures of some unattainable vehicle. It's car porn.

Andrew said...

spot on with the music. Since when is it easier to crash a REAL car than in a video game?!?

Andrew said...

ps I am going to get you that Earthbound (SNES) game so you can have a 10.0 on your list. hehe

Feedthebird said...

Want to buy Earthbound. I need something besides beating Micah up at FIFA '08.

Beta_Grumm said...

I love car por... um, parts.

And by the way, Jordan cheats at FIFA.

Beta_Grumm said...

Oh, and andrew, if you know where you can get your hands on double dragon for the snes... yeah. I would love you for ever!

Andrew said...

I'll be on the lookout.