Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Battlefield: Bad Company

Please... Will someone please tell Developers to stop making WWII games. Or at least war games period. The whole purpose of this is what exactly? Starting with Wolfenstein 3d. Maybe earlier, I wasn't born then so I don't know, but please just stop it. You make a game built in the 20th century and then put futuristic guns in there? What the hell?!?! It's not supposed to be futuristic.

Anyways, all ranting aside, this was a typical shooter. Definately not something I would buy. Reminds me of Bard's Tale. A renter that is enjoyable (the jokes got old fast) and the game play is so typical. I want to see something new and original. At least something that will keep my attention for more than just a few hours. Maybe I've been spoiled by the good games out there.

I'll give it an 8.2. The graphics were good. The gameplay was decent and the banter between the company was fun, but I can't make myself like the game at all. So 8.2 it is. And sent back to the store after one night of playing it. Maybe I'm too picky...

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