Friday, July 25, 2008

Assassin's Creed

Alright, I've delayed this one long enough. For the first three hits I really enjoyed this game. It was fun. A new concept and it allowed you to scale almost any building in the game. You help the poor and kill their oppressors and the fighting was pretty good for a third person action that doesn't have you flying around all the time ala Ninja Gaiden.

But it gets extremely repetitive. You have 9 guys to kill in 3 cities. Not that big a deal except in order to kill them you have to glean information off the inhabitants of the town. Now that wouldn't be that big a deal except the towns are pretty big and you have to climb a tower close enough to the info-atm in order to start it. There are about 20 towers in each city (like this one:
so you spend 1 hour trying to find the guy that you have to listen to talk for 20 minutes about some minute detail.

There's not so much the "silent assassin" as I would've liked. You essentially jump down into the middle of 10 guards and kill them all. It's pretty easy as long as you don't accidently press the L1 button.

The plot is really good as far as I've gotten into it. (I'm gonna let my roommate finish up the game because he's much farther along than I am and he wanted to.) I really want to know what happens. Reminds me of how I felt about Bioshock. The only problem is that it's so damn repetitive that I want to gouge my eyes out from seeing the same city over and over again. But maybe that's just me.

This is a game I'd recommend playing. It is a refreshing change from all the 20th century WWII style games. Crusades!!!! There's ingenuity. I don't know if I would buy it, but I'll definately give this a 8.4. Better than Bad Company and very fun to play, but not the best game out there. When compared to other stealth type games, this one isn't close to Splinter Cell. The first one at least.

1 comment:

Beta_Grumm said...

I can't challenge you on this one. You got it about right.

It was great fun to start with, really intriguing story, the game play was sweet, but got horribly repetitive. But I'm super stoked to see what the next one's like.