Thursday, August 14, 2008

Army of Two

Starting off, the premise to this game was really cool. I like the idea of playing a mercenary. It makes more sense of why you're going up against horrible odds. Halo explained it well, you being the last true soldier alive, and a few other games have too. But something like Bad Company just said you were in a special part of the army. No extra training, just being in the army.

I've heard this game compared to Gears of War, I've never played Gears of War unfortunately, but if it's like this game, I don't want to play it. I am getting this off my chest right now, so there's no confusion later. Third person shooters DO NOT WORK. They never have and they never will. 3Rd person is for RPG's or action. But spinning around in an attempt to shoot the guy who runs screaming behind you causes you to have fits trying to focus your cross hairs on the guy. I wish they had made this a first person shooter, but with what they wanted to accomplish it was impossible. You can't really have cover and a first person shooter.

In what it attempted it did a semi decent job, I wasn't very impressed with the dialogue. The frat boy who calls everyone bro, and the disgruntled huge conspiracy theorist. You have an emo chic with weird tattoos as your playcaller, kind of like Cortana, who wants you to stop the bad guy before he does terrible things (they must be terrible cause she says that about 10 times in the last 30 minutes). The big "twist" at the end could be seen 10 miles away. The game was short. I beat it in maybe 7 hours total. Shorter than Halo 2 which is saying a lot. At least Halo 2 was a first person shooter...

The requirement for one member of the squad to have "aggro" by shooting just wastes bullets, of which there really aren't enough to go around. Also, explaining aggro at the beginning felt so retarded. I know, I know, it was needed cause not everyone plays multiplayer RPGs, but aggro has been a staple term of mine since 2005 that I forget not everyone knows what this is.

The back to back was cool, but pointless. It wasn't there near enough and didn't last very long. The death scenes were kinda lame, there was no wa to judge how close a friend was to dieing. The game itself was really buggy. There were several times I had to shut off my 360 and then turn it back on in order to load the game properly.

All in all, I was less than impressed with this. The best part of this game being the fact that you can pimp out your guns. I would rent this game, nice for the experience and a good idea for what NOT to do when making third person shooters. I hate those cameras.



Andrew said...

Question: Do you pick your ratings out of thin air or do you have a system to come up with them?

Feedthebird said...

Honestly, I mostly pick them out of thin air. I take into account how much fun I had playing them, and then my general feel of the game. Obviously I have games on my list from each platform and I compare in my mind the game I'm playing to the game I think it's most like.

But again, we should call it funness level, because it's almost entirely subjective. Above 9.0, the game is a must play game. 8.0-8.9 it's a good game but missing a few key qualities. 7.0-7.9 is a game that might be enjoyable but only for a few hours or so. Anything less is an epic failure.

Sorry for not being so objective, but I don't quite have enough experience in the gaming industry to objectively do everything. A game with poor graphics that is a lot of fun to play will get better ratings on my blog than a game with awesome graphics but doesn't make sense. See MGS 4 and FIFA '08. Fifa being a game I would highly recommend.

So, essentially no established system yet. But, as I review other games, I have to change the review of old games because they might be better or worse depending on the old games.

T.D. said...

The cover fire thing was irritating, as they make it a core mechanic but don't give you enough ammunition to do it.

I just wanted to shoot the fratboy.

Feedthebird said...

I forgot my favorite part of the game. Punching the other guy over and over again.

Andrew said...

Cool. Every review anywhere will be biased. Objectivity is overrated.

Feedthebird said...

Here come the fuzz... =D