Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Been a while

Yes, I know... it's been a long time since I last posted. However, I have a good excuse. My 360 received the Red ROD. And refused to play any games. So, I used my warranty, and now it's back. I also got a 50 inch plasma HDTV courtesy of that top salesman, so now I officially feel like I'm a legitimate gamer. At least, until she comes back in August.

Ninja Gaiden 2 - The "wow" factor has decreased quite a bit, while the bosses are so much easier than the first one. I have no idea what the plot is, so I just run around killing as many monsters as I can on my way to the boss. If this keeps up, I doubt I'll finish it. I'm going to have to drop Ninja Gaiden 2 down to a 8.3. Good enough to have fun with, but not a great game by any stretch of the imagination.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - My brother just got a ps3 especially for this game. Dubbed "The best game yet" by it's creators, I'm still wondering what they were smoking. Even with an HDMI cable, the graphics are just ok. Yeah it's realistic, but you can't jump, you move like a tank, and the gameplay requires you to go so slow that I got bored in the first level. The plot is decent. Maybe it's one of those "you have to play the rest of them" type of games. If this is the best PS3 has to offer, than I'll be a Xbox guy for life.

FIFA '08 - I got this last night, and the first thing that comes to mind is that defense is so easy in this game. This is good because now you actually have to work for goals. None of this super shots from half field. It also gives you more to celebrate when you actually do score.

That's about all I've been doing for the past few weeks. I'll keep you posted on any new games coming out.


T.D. said...

Everyone keeps telling me how the next game release is going to completely justify owning a PS3. I'm afraid any game that makes me wish I could just skip the gameplay and watch the cutscenes doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. Nor does bricking your customers systems with faulty updates.

Feedthebird said...

I've only heard of Ratchet and Clank and MGS 4. What other ones have they been saying will cause the PS3 to boom?

T.D. said...

Uncharted, GTA4 for some reason, Grand Bore-ismo