Monday, August 25, 2008

Sega Superstars Tennis

What with school starting and all that, I am going to have to limit my gamefly intake. I just don't have that much time to play anymore. I guess I should probably cancel it till next summer. Anyways, Sega Superstars Tennis came in the mail. I wanted Fusion Frenzy 2, but they decided not to send that out.

When I first played this, I hated it. This game was stupid. Took too long to learn how to play, and when you did it became ridiculously easy. I chose to play Tails. Mainly because I like Tails, and partially because I played Mario Tennis and Boo was the best guy to be because he could do wicked crazy spin. And spin beats all in regular games (maybe I should take a lesson and learn how to spin the ball in table tennis).

I was going to rate this at 3.5 or so. In case you haven't been paying attention, that rating means that all copies should be burned immediately lest anyone get infected. But, after playing a little bit with some friends, I will have to raise it to 5.2. It's not a good game, it's worse than a bad game. But it had it's moments during multiplayer to warrant no burning.

Again, the game has to be really good to warrant me keeping it longer than a week, especially with school beckoning. So, I am going to give this the worst rating yet. It feels like Sega took a page out of George Lucas' book and can't resist the opportunity to profit off a previous good game.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Army of Two

Starting off, the premise to this game was really cool. I like the idea of playing a mercenary. It makes more sense of why you're going up against horrible odds. Halo explained it well, you being the last true soldier alive, and a few other games have too. But something like Bad Company just said you were in a special part of the army. No extra training, just being in the army.

I've heard this game compared to Gears of War, I've never played Gears of War unfortunately, but if it's like this game, I don't want to play it. I am getting this off my chest right now, so there's no confusion later. Third person shooters DO NOT WORK. They never have and they never will. 3Rd person is for RPG's or action. But spinning around in an attempt to shoot the guy who runs screaming behind you causes you to have fits trying to focus your cross hairs on the guy. I wish they had made this a first person shooter, but with what they wanted to accomplish it was impossible. You can't really have cover and a first person shooter.

In what it attempted it did a semi decent job, I wasn't very impressed with the dialogue. The frat boy who calls everyone bro, and the disgruntled huge conspiracy theorist. You have an emo chic with weird tattoos as your playcaller, kind of like Cortana, who wants you to stop the bad guy before he does terrible things (they must be terrible cause she says that about 10 times in the last 30 minutes). The big "twist" at the end could be seen 10 miles away. The game was short. I beat it in maybe 7 hours total. Shorter than Halo 2 which is saying a lot. At least Halo 2 was a first person shooter...

The requirement for one member of the squad to have "aggro" by shooting just wastes bullets, of which there really aren't enough to go around. Also, explaining aggro at the beginning felt so retarded. I know, I know, it was needed cause not everyone plays multiplayer RPGs, but aggro has been a staple term of mine since 2005 that I forget not everyone knows what this is.

The back to back was cool, but pointless. It wasn't there near enough and didn't last very long. The death scenes were kinda lame, there was no wa to judge how close a friend was to dieing. The game itself was really buggy. There were several times I had to shut off my 360 and then turn it back on in order to load the game properly.

All in all, I was less than impressed with this. The best part of this game being the fact that you can pimp out your guns. I would rent this game, nice for the experience and a good idea for what NOT to do when making third person shooters. I hate those cameras.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Unreal Tournament 3

The last UT I played was Unreal Championship (thanks Micah) in 2003. I enjoyed it. It was no Halo, but it was enjoyable and the guns were pretty good. I didn't play online that much but that's cause Microsoft likes to charge to do that. I understand this is a multiplayer game. The story line doesn't allow for anything except multiplayer. You have to play against bots or other players.

Well, the graphics are decent. I finally was able to have fun playing a first person shooter again. There are very few third person shooters that work. Mass Effect did a good job with it, but it could barely be qualified as a shooter. But I got off the beaten track. Unreal Tournament 3 was kinda crappy and stupid.

Everything moved very very well, but this is a game made for 13-16 year old guys. The main characters are disproportional, if you play the game on single player, your bots are too stupid to do anything so you have to capture every flag, but if you leave the base, the other team goes in and grabs your flag no problem. It's infuriating. You have to do EVERYTHING on your own, by yourself. Yeah, this makes you the biggest badass on the planet, but it gets very very lonely out there all by yourself.

The only girl in the whole story is your sister, so that's a nogo. Your name is Reaper, your sister's name is Jester (who named these kids), your sniper's name is Bishop and recites Psalm 23 while he shoots people (original right?), and the token black guy, in a stroke of genius, is named Othello (who in the only truly enjoyable part of this game yet, quotes Shakespeare's Othello).

I'm sure this would be more fun if I played with other people, but I also realize that this game is about dieing and killing fast. Literally, you could be alive and then die within 10 seconds of gameplay. Not really my idea of fun. Also the load screens after a match are the most retarded design in the history of gaming. All you can do is sit there while the game doesn't do anything for about 2 minutes. Then it loads, and doesn't give you the chance to look around at the scores.

This game was not very good at all. If you're a UT fan, you'll enjoy it, but otherwise get something else more enjoyable.


This is a game that does not work on a console. Me and my roommate got in a huge discussion which ended with both of us realizing the difference between console gamers and PC gamers. So, with that easter egg, that's where I'm coming from.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

First of all, I'll get the good things about it out of they way. The graphics are amazing. Obviously they spent time getting all the cars that they have just right. The game has a good feel for a racing game. And... that's pretty much it.

Yeah a great feel for a RACING game. If we only had racing games to play this game would be the best one. But who in their right mind wants to play racing games? If there isn't anything better, yeah I'll play a racing game. But I'll never buy it, nor will I ever rent it. It costs $40 to buy the prologue. That doesn't cut away from the price later. You have to pay $100 for a stupid racing game that has a horrible soundtrack. Seriously, play something I enjoy listening to for once. Not some cacophonic techno remix of a techno remix of cats wailing while playing the violin.

The graphics are amazing... Well the car graphics are amazing. The crowd is pasted onto some bleachers. They don't even move really. I had better crowds in NBA live '99. You spend so much time getting the cars perfect you might as well get everything else perfect too. Maybe you're supposed to look beyond the crowds, though. Well all the "scenery" is the same damn mountain floating in the background. Looking like you're driving in front of a backdrop.

But again, maybe I'm looking at it in the wrong way. Maybe, just maybe, I need to just enjoy the experience of driving a car. Well, I drove it. It was fun. For the first race. Then I started getting bored, and decided to dink around. You know what? You can't even flip your damn car. It doesn't explode, doesn't take any damage, and worst of all, you can't crash at all. All you do is skid out and end up looking the opposite way.

I even tried to crash, but the AI is so smart that it's able to drive around you when you are going back and forth on the track, but not so smart as to move out of the way when you're driving straight at it. The replayability is stupid, and I wouldn't buy this game at all. I'll put it on the same par of Halo 2.

Granted, this is just the prologue.
