Thursday, October 30, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 7 - White Lions, Bright Wizards and the horror of being a healer without a tank

I don't know what the problem is. I probably don't have enough wounds or something, but when I head into a Scenario and there is a white lion 5 levels above me. He can waltz through my entire team, kill me in about 10 seconds, kill someone else, and end with getting the third guy down to 50% health. The other two guys were DoK's which means that we had decent DPS with heals, and STILL he came in WITHOUT heals and killed almost all of us. Don't complain to me about white lion DPS.

Well, that did it. My sorceress friend and I decided to roll some order to see what the other side of the fence is like. I rolled a bright wizard and he rolled a white lion. Within 3 levels I had gotten an achievement that it took 20 levels on my shaman to get. I killed 100 players in RvR before I hit level 7. Sure, I die a lot but I have no less survivability against a WE than my shaman does against a WL.

Differences between Order and Destruction though:
1. The first scenario I went in, people were bitching at each other before the game even started. That has never happened to me in Destruction.
2. People complained in chat about the level of the people playing.
3. 2 BoE blues dropped, so not only are the devs giving Order more XP, but they're also giving them better drops.
4. Order doesn't play with tanks or healers.
5. A DoK is extremely hard to kill at low levels.
6. WE's are not so bad as long as they don't out level you by 5 levels (to all those order bitching about WE's, why don't you level to an equivalent level first).

Bright Wizards, as far as I've seen, are one of the most complete classes in the game and a lot of fun to play. But I wouldn't give up my shaman for the world though especially with him being on destruction.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 6 - Tor Anroc, Healer Spec, and BW OPness

All I've heard of in the past week is how overpowered bright wizards are (hereafter referred to as BW). They have an AoE snare which makes it so you can't move (also seems to last about 3 times as long as it should). This snare also has a bug attached to it causing the snare not to break on damage at all. They have one of the highest single target DPS in the game to go along with their AoE. But the most irritating spell of all (that directly relates to me) is called playing with fire. PWF hits a target, it decreases the healing done to that target by 50% AND puts a dot on any healer that throws a HoT on the person under the spell, it can't be purged and does some pretty hefty damage. Yeah, that's irritating. It wouldn't be so bad except every scenario I've been in in t3 has had about 4 or 5 BW's in it. The percentage is about this. 33% - BW, 25% - IB, 20% - RP, 15% WH and 7% misc., and Order still seem to get rolled and I think I've figured out why.

While BW is the most complete class Order has to choose from in terms of DPS, every MMO needs balance. You can't just get 100 of the best class and expect to win against a balanced attack that works together. 100 Kobe Bryant's playing individual basketball cannot win a championship. You need role players and balance. So, I think that the best solo class in the game is the BW because of all the utility it has from range, you cannot win without healers, tanks, and melee DPS to do the dirty work.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 5 - No Quests but finally a mount

Well, I logged in yesterday with the sole purpose of getting to level 20, and the best idea that I could think of was then to run up into tier 3 and quest up there. The biggest reason for thinking this is that I had no further quests to do in tier 2. Maybe I did and I just missed some, but I went through all the quests in the greenskins and chaos area and a few in the dark elf and I just kinda ran out. Maybe I should pvp more, but I'm still stuck in that area where I'm the highest level and everyone on my team is below 15 and everyone on the other team is above 18. We lost that one 500-12 or something like that. Hoorah for retards.

So, I went into the tier 3 greenskin area for quests. I joined up with Buf's sexy alter-ego a sorceress named Alyth. We tromped merrily through many quests until we got to the chapter 11 greenskin pq where I then was kicked from the group and had to finish the pq solo while Alyth played with her new friends. Luckily I still got a bag.

That left me with 15% to get to 20. That's about 10k experience I think... I could be wrong though. I had to get it so I could get my mount. It was imperative. I decided to pvp and I ended up hitting 20 in the middle of a scenario. Flew to the inevitable city for the first time, which by the way is epic and I can't wait for 40 to attack the order cities, and got my wolf, which as someone so nicely put it, "He doesn't run as cutely as your little man." But, I'm excited now, I can officially travel. Time to start questing again. Hopefully hit 23 by the end of the week.


Monday, October 13, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 4 - Stuck in Between Bubbles

Well I hit rank 19 on Sunday morning right before church. It was nice, I finally got to finish a PQ for the first time since chapter 5 when I did it with my BLORC friend, Buf. We soloed that one. That was cool. Anyways, I went into the next tier with a few of my guildies and we completed the Greenskin chapter 10 pq till I was highest level of influence. That was a lot of fun, even though I was low level. But I figured out one thing. I'm in between the bubbles.

The first bubble consists of the hardcore players who preordered the game and play it every night and don't go to school and work. They are the ones that play the game well and play it often. Then there are the casuals or the ones that don't play as often. This is usually the Order. They don't play very often. Sure, they play well but they can only log in on weekends or started late, or something like that. Now, I lie in between the two bubbles. This means that there are only 2 people doing a pq at any time. This means that there is 1 tank in a scenario who is level 13 and can't do crap so all the DPS dies. Now, I'm just a tad too low to get into the next tier where all the good destruction people are. But I'm too high to level with all the other destruction people are. So now I'm stuck being a good healer and decent DPS in a crappy pool of mud that you couldn't see the bottom with the hubble telescope.

I did get a few achievements this week though. I got the title 'The Showoff' for doing a bunch of things naked. I tried a scenario completely naked and did pretty good except that it didn't get me an achievement. But, all in all, I'm happy with it if I could just level a little faster. This week should see me around rank 23 near the end. Maybe I should hire a leveling service? Then again... maybe not...


Thursday, October 9, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 3 - Stupid Guildies, Friends, and Finals

Friday night rolls around and I get off work with no homework till Saturday night. Inviting friends over and getting some alcohol means that it's time to log into WAR again. I was only rank 10 when I logged in and decided to pvp with my chosen friend. Well the scenario didn't pop until I was Rank 11 and almost rank 12. I won the scenario very handily and bumped up to rank 12. And that's when the fun began.
There are always those people who disgust you. Unfortunately, I have had the poor luck of having 2 of the worst in guilds with me. Crimsonownz was the worst. I didn't think I'd ever have the bad luck of finding someone as bad as him. But that was before I met Bluenote. (sidenote - if you ever make a guild the absolute worst thing you can do is promote a 14 year old to be an officer). Here's the list of things I found out about Bluenote in the order I found them out:
1. He's 14
2. He thinks he's the boss of everyone because he's the officer in a guild that invites everyone and their 10 alts to the guild to make it seem like they have a better guild.
3. He's a virgin and is unhappy about it and is trying to find some prostitute willing to perform statuatory rape on him.
4. He's a total dick.
Now, me and my chosen friend start making fun of him, and he can't handle that very well. But, as much as we're irritated at him, we all join a group to take over a keep in the Ostland. This was a TON of fun, and 10 times better than anything WoW ever gave me. I'll post a video of it tonight. I ended the weekend as Rank 14, with a good many quests to turn in. And the best part about the whole thing was the Bluenote left the guild when he realized he couldn't order us to wear pink and purple and bend over so he can finally lose his virginity.
But finals week called me and now all my friends have caught up and passed me in a single weekend because I had not time to play. It sucks because now I'm gonna get the brunt of all their "you're so lame cause I started later but I'm higher level than you" jokes. Well, at least my last final is today and next week is break week and she's working all week. Oh, I might have to up the post ante for next week so I don't forget. I'll keep videos posted when I make them too. Hopefully, we can get a kickass PvP video going with a whole group... I have a few ideas.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 2 - Ahh, the joy and pain of being a healer.

As I stated last week, I am playing a shaman. It is a healer damage hybrid caster who does a decent amount of both. Perfect for a guy like me who is looking for a little more utility in both PVE and PVP. Well, I first joined a scenario with my good friend, the Black Orc named Bif, and we rocked. I had the most fun I've had in a instanced battle since I had an organized group for ABing in WoW. It had a lot to do with the fact that I was one of two healers and everyone else was a tank. We won 500-100 and the world was happy.

But behind every happy face, there is a sad face beating it's head in with a baseball bat. I decided to try out PvP on my own over the weekend, and it killed me. The class of the week is no longer tanks, but casters. But not just any casters, those casters who refuse to heal, but instead shoot out green lazer beams of death (hereon called GRBOD). The GRBOD wielding shamans would watch both tanks and fellows healers die just so they could squirt out that extra 5 points of damage before the adversaries took them down. This led to no one playing tanks anymore, which lead to no one protecting me anymore, which in the end led to me swearing so loudly at my computer my roommate came in and complained. Since then, I have to have a tank with me at all times in order to survive, and with just two of us working together, the sides are much more even. But, where have all the rank 10 tanks gone? All I see are rank 1 tanks, rank 5 shaman who think it is their sole duty to top every damage meter from now till doomsday with one spell, or rank 8 squig herders who are great, but don't really help in a pinch.

I had to turn off my computer for the week as this is the week right before finals and I need to study and get all my presentations in order. But next week is the last week of the term and that means all break is gonna be spent perfecting my way of playing. At least I'll perfect not dieing. I can't tell which side I hate more right now. My enemies (the Order) or my friends the stupid pieces of #!$# that can't seem to do anything right... But maybe it's me screwing everything up.