Monday, July 21, 2008

Bioware Star Wars MMO

This has such great potential. Bioware is probably my favorite game designer and it hasn't disappointed me yet. Best known for it's Knight's of the Old Republic Games, it epitomizes the Star Wars culture without being irritating like George Lucas is with his newest 3 episodes.

What I'd love to see:

1. A storyline. An MMO hasn't pulled off a legitimate storyline ever. I dunno if they can do it in this one, I don't even know if it's possible for an MMO to have a legitimate storyline, but if it pulls it off as well as it's other games, this game is golden.

2. Keep the combat simple. I haven't played AoC, but WoW's combat was very simple, especially when compared to something like Galaxies.

3. Of course the force has to be powerful, but don't make it so everyone wants to be a Jedi. We need some sort of balance, otherwise you'll have too many jedi and not enough ewoks to take down the boss.

4. Did I mention a storyline? It could be so good. Playing with your friends through a story. Think about it!!!

Bioware has the reputation for me to attempt this game based on just that, but if they screw this up I won't play it for long.

Tentatively scheduled for 2009. Here's to the real WoW Killer.

1 comment:

T.D. said...

Personally, there's one of three ways I'd like to see Jedi implemented:

1. Like Galaxies before it sucked. Make it hard to get and have a limited number. Jedi we're head and shoulders a better class, but most people never attained it.

2. Don't have Jedi. While this seems odd, the Star Wars universe is rich and diverse enough to have plent of other classes (like the table top RPG) without including Jedi.

3. Make everyone a Jedi. This is probably my favorite method right now. Rather than make a Jedi class, make Jedi classes. This would be similar to KotOR. Have a guardian type, a consular type, maybe an emperors hand type, a healer type, etc. Plenty of ways to vary it up and give everyone access to the Force.

And yes, as much story as possible. This is frankly what makes a Bioware game.