Thursday, September 25, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 1 - Which class?!?!?

I first started as a marauder. I figured that since I loved playing a fury warrior in WoW I would love the similarities between them. Well, I was wrong. The marauder is decently fun to play. I enjoyed it a lot, but all the glaring innefficiencies that fury warriors had, the marauder exaggerates tenfold. A 3 second snare doesn't do anything when it's on a 10 second cooldown. No ability to break a snare means that the range classes can effectively kite me without me laying a hit on them. And with wearing the equivalent of leather armor makes me more into a rogue that cannot stealth. I plan on picking him up again later, but for now, I'm gonna try a different class.

But which one? I wanted to play Destruction with Toby, but nothing else really had my fancy. I decided to try out a shaman. Almost immediately, I was having fun again. The starting zone and graphics are much more appealing to me than the Chaos. The idea that doing more damage increases my heal effectiveness and that doing more healing increases my damage is a very appealing structure to a class. I am thoroughly enjoying it.

I did a PQ (party quest) with Toby as a black orc and I think this toon will be my main. Yeah, I've heard they get harder to play later, but for now I'll stick with him and see what's up. I haven't played a healer yet so that'll be a great new aspect. I'll keep you posted, as this will be the first in many series of episodes from WAR. Look forward to having Josiah, Pat, Micah, JCrap and Ryan playing with us all and getting a guild going.



T.D. said...

Interestingly, the marauder gets easier later. . . :D

But yeah teamed up with my blorc, we basically have a built in party. No PQ is safe from our wrath!

T.D. said...

Black orcs are officially cool. For the first time, I fear no melee dps. But my damage isn't gimp-ville either. The amount of utility they bring to both RvR and PvE is pretty fantastic and who doesn't like spitting in the face of some big monster and screaming?