Thursday, October 2, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 2 - Ahh, the joy and pain of being a healer.

As I stated last week, I am playing a shaman. It is a healer damage hybrid caster who does a decent amount of both. Perfect for a guy like me who is looking for a little more utility in both PVE and PVP. Well, I first joined a scenario with my good friend, the Black Orc named Bif, and we rocked. I had the most fun I've had in a instanced battle since I had an organized group for ABing in WoW. It had a lot to do with the fact that I was one of two healers and everyone else was a tank. We won 500-100 and the world was happy.

But behind every happy face, there is a sad face beating it's head in with a baseball bat. I decided to try out PvP on my own over the weekend, and it killed me. The class of the week is no longer tanks, but casters. But not just any casters, those casters who refuse to heal, but instead shoot out green lazer beams of death (hereon called GRBOD). The GRBOD wielding shamans would watch both tanks and fellows healers die just so they could squirt out that extra 5 points of damage before the adversaries took them down. This led to no one playing tanks anymore, which lead to no one protecting me anymore, which in the end led to me swearing so loudly at my computer my roommate came in and complained. Since then, I have to have a tank with me at all times in order to survive, and with just two of us working together, the sides are much more even. But, where have all the rank 10 tanks gone? All I see are rank 1 tanks, rank 5 shaman who think it is their sole duty to top every damage meter from now till doomsday with one spell, or rank 8 squig herders who are great, but don't really help in a pinch.

I had to turn off my computer for the week as this is the week right before finals and I need to study and get all my presentations in order. But next week is the last week of the term and that means all break is gonna be spent perfecting my way of playing. At least I'll perfect not dieing. I can't tell which side I hate more right now. My enemies (the Order) or my friends the stupid pieces of #!$# that can't seem to do anything right... But maybe it's me screwing everything up.


T.D. said...
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T.D. said...

Buf will be your tank.

You're my huckleberry.

Josiah said...

I wonder if Destruction are the new "Alliance"...

Feedthebird said...

Dear God, I hope not. I would seriously hate my WAR career if that was the case.

Josiah said...

I've wondered about it for a while. Especially since I found out Destruction was much more played than Order. Considering, that everyone who's anyone (kek) has played WoW that is playing Warhammer. It doesn't seem unlikely that it will be a total flip-flop. It would also be ironic for us...

T.D. said...

I wouldn't be surprised if this presents somewhat. So far my experience has been pretty 50/50. We've had really close matches as well as the classic one side getting rolled scenarios. Destro still isn't the "pretty race" though, and are genuinely evil (I just poisoned a bunch of unicorns. It was awesome) so people who roll for the pretty good guy (like JCrap) will still have to pick order. IMO destro is cooler looking and will pull people in because of that (I mean, who doesn't want a giant mutant arm?)

Josiah said...

I worry more about having to deal with little kids than losing scenarios, but at least as destro we might have the server size advantage which would be a plus.

If little kids start typing all caps in every scenario, I might think about going order...

Feedthebird said...

They actually keep the sides even is what I've heard. Like if it gets too out of hand they'll not allow one faction or the other to create characters on that server.

I agree about the whiny kids though. For the most part though, the greenskins have just been idiots for the most part (myself included) not necessarily immature idiots. Only potty jokes I've seen so far have been in relation to telling someone to go back to WoW

T.D. said...

Got my sorceress to 20. Really sweet. Stuff asplodes. Witch Hunters 5 levels below be still kill me, but hey, I'm made of tissue paper. Evil tissue paper.

Rolled a witch elf and am really enjoying her. Can't seem to get away from the "high dps/highly squishy" classes. Level faster Jordan so I can play my Buf :D

Your Huckleberry