Thursday, October 9, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 3 - Stupid Guildies, Friends, and Finals

Friday night rolls around and I get off work with no homework till Saturday night. Inviting friends over and getting some alcohol means that it's time to log into WAR again. I was only rank 10 when I logged in and decided to pvp with my chosen friend. Well the scenario didn't pop until I was Rank 11 and almost rank 12. I won the scenario very handily and bumped up to rank 12. And that's when the fun began.
There are always those people who disgust you. Unfortunately, I have had the poor luck of having 2 of the worst in guilds with me. Crimsonownz was the worst. I didn't think I'd ever have the bad luck of finding someone as bad as him. But that was before I met Bluenote. (sidenote - if you ever make a guild the absolute worst thing you can do is promote a 14 year old to be an officer). Here's the list of things I found out about Bluenote in the order I found them out:
1. He's 14
2. He thinks he's the boss of everyone because he's the officer in a guild that invites everyone and their 10 alts to the guild to make it seem like they have a better guild.
3. He's a virgin and is unhappy about it and is trying to find some prostitute willing to perform statuatory rape on him.
4. He's a total dick.
Now, me and my chosen friend start making fun of him, and he can't handle that very well. But, as much as we're irritated at him, we all join a group to take over a keep in the Ostland. This was a TON of fun, and 10 times better than anything WoW ever gave me. I'll post a video of it tonight. I ended the weekend as Rank 14, with a good many quests to turn in. And the best part about the whole thing was the Bluenote left the guild when he realized he couldn't order us to wear pink and purple and bend over so he can finally lose his virginity.
But finals week called me and now all my friends have caught up and passed me in a single weekend because I had not time to play. It sucks because now I'm gonna get the brunt of all their "you're so lame cause I started later but I'm higher level than you" jokes. Well, at least my last final is today and next week is break week and she's working all week. Oh, I might have to up the post ante for next week so I don't forget. I'll keep videos posted when I make them too. Hopefully, we can get a kickass PvP video going with a whole group... I have a few ideas.



T.D. said...

you're so lame cause I started late. . . Oh wait.

Josiah said...

You're just lame cause of your comment "good luck with that" when I said I needed to catch up.


Feedthebird said...

It's a no win situation...

T.D. said...