Monday, October 13, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 4 - Stuck in Between Bubbles

Well I hit rank 19 on Sunday morning right before church. It was nice, I finally got to finish a PQ for the first time since chapter 5 when I did it with my BLORC friend, Buf. We soloed that one. That was cool. Anyways, I went into the next tier with a few of my guildies and we completed the Greenskin chapter 10 pq till I was highest level of influence. That was a lot of fun, even though I was low level. But I figured out one thing. I'm in between the bubbles.

The first bubble consists of the hardcore players who preordered the game and play it every night and don't go to school and work. They are the ones that play the game well and play it often. Then there are the casuals or the ones that don't play as often. This is usually the Order. They don't play very often. Sure, they play well but they can only log in on weekends or started late, or something like that. Now, I lie in between the two bubbles. This means that there are only 2 people doing a pq at any time. This means that there is 1 tank in a scenario who is level 13 and can't do crap so all the DPS dies. Now, I'm just a tad too low to get into the next tier where all the good destruction people are. But I'm too high to level with all the other destruction people are. So now I'm stuck being a good healer and decent DPS in a crappy pool of mud that you couldn't see the bottom with the hubble telescope.

I did get a few achievements this week though. I got the title 'The Showoff' for doing a bunch of things naked. I tried a scenario completely naked and did pretty good except that it didn't get me an achievement. But, all in all, I'm happy with it if I could just level a little faster. This week should see me around rank 23 near the end. Maybe I should hire a leveling service? Then again... maybe not...



T.D. said...

There are nude scenario titles as well. One is "Lady Godiva." Be funny since your a goblin. . .

You're also within 3 levels of me now. Common over to tier 3. The war's fine.

Josiah said...

Boo, Hiss. Stop leveling so fast. I can't play much right now. Between hunting and hanging out with my wife, I haven't played much for about a week...

Feedthebird said...

I'll be heading up to t3 on Tuesday, after I finish up my final quests in Barak Varr or whatever it's called.

T.D. said...

I think tonight is a witch elf night. You guys can catch up and I have some armor to grow into.

Josiah said...

I wouldn't say "grow". I think the armor actually gets smaller...

T.D. said...

As is the rule for chic armor: The better it is, the less it covers.

Feedthebird said...

Can you be a guy witch elf or would that be too weird?

T.D. said...

They're the "Brides of Khaine" and, while polygamous, he apparently isn't gay.

Josiah said...

Question is...what does that make Toby?

T.D. said...

I'm not the one who wants to play dudes. . .

Feedthebird said...

Hence why Emily got mad at you... :P

Beta_Grumm said...

I'm lvl 2.
I have a disc.
I throw red death.
I play too?
I win.
^^ (My contribution to the 3 person forum.)