Wednesday, October 15, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 5 - No Quests but finally a mount

Well, I logged in yesterday with the sole purpose of getting to level 20, and the best idea that I could think of was then to run up into tier 3 and quest up there. The biggest reason for thinking this is that I had no further quests to do in tier 2. Maybe I did and I just missed some, but I went through all the quests in the greenskins and chaos area and a few in the dark elf and I just kinda ran out. Maybe I should pvp more, but I'm still stuck in that area where I'm the highest level and everyone on my team is below 15 and everyone on the other team is above 18. We lost that one 500-12 or something like that. Hoorah for retards.

So, I went into the tier 3 greenskin area for quests. I joined up with Buf's sexy alter-ego a sorceress named Alyth. We tromped merrily through many quests until we got to the chapter 11 greenskin pq where I then was kicked from the group and had to finish the pq solo while Alyth played with her new friends. Luckily I still got a bag.

That left me with 15% to get to 20. That's about 10k experience I think... I could be wrong though. I had to get it so I could get my mount. It was imperative. I decided to pvp and I ended up hitting 20 in the middle of a scenario. Flew to the inevitable city for the first time, which by the way is epic and I can't wait for 40 to attack the order cities, and got my wolf, which as someone so nicely put it, "He doesn't run as cutely as your little man." But, I'm excited now, I can officially travel. Time to start questing again. Hopefully hit 23 by the end of the week.



T.D. said...

I'm heavily into RP and Alyth digs chosen more than midget goblins. . .

Seriously, not sure why he didn't invite you. He got really irritated that I wasn't joining his group. Prolly thought I was leeching or something (or just wanted my zomg-sorc-xp. Or maybe is also into RP and digs dark elf chicks and their sexy attire).

T.D. said...

Looks like Lethargic is doing keep raids tonight. Gogo Keep Lord drops!

Feedthebird said...

WHAT? They didn't tell me about no keep raids...

Josiah said...

I got my mount yesterday. (It's MUCH bigger than yours....)