Thursday, October 23, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 6 - Tor Anroc, Healer Spec, and BW OPness

All I've heard of in the past week is how overpowered bright wizards are (hereafter referred to as BW). They have an AoE snare which makes it so you can't move (also seems to last about 3 times as long as it should). This snare also has a bug attached to it causing the snare not to break on damage at all. They have one of the highest single target DPS in the game to go along with their AoE. But the most irritating spell of all (that directly relates to me) is called playing with fire. PWF hits a target, it decreases the healing done to that target by 50% AND puts a dot on any healer that throws a HoT on the person under the spell, it can't be purged and does some pretty hefty damage. Yeah, that's irritating. It wouldn't be so bad except every scenario I've been in in t3 has had about 4 or 5 BW's in it. The percentage is about this. 33% - BW, 25% - IB, 20% - RP, 15% WH and 7% misc., and Order still seem to get rolled and I think I've figured out why.

While BW is the most complete class Order has to choose from in terms of DPS, every MMO needs balance. You can't just get 100 of the best class and expect to win against a balanced attack that works together. 100 Kobe Bryant's playing individual basketball cannot win a championship. You need role players and balance. So, I think that the best solo class in the game is the BW because of all the utility it has from range, you cannot win without healers, tanks, and melee DPS to do the dirty work.



T.D. said...

Its funny, I always feel like there's 50% white lions and Witch Hunters--the guys who always target me. I blow up Bright Wizards since I'm DD spec'd and they're to busy AoE'ing on one guy to notice. BW's make the game fun for me :P

Josiah said...

"You need role players...". So that's why I'm not very good.

Feedthebird said...


That makes no sense. I'm technically a role player as a healer/debuff agency.

T.D. said...

think he meant more along the lines of "Forsooth, the Bright Wizards do cometh and shall verily smash in mine face!"

Josiah said...

Thanks for translating Toby (I think we have a psychic connection sometimes...).

Anyway, I wanna hear more about your thoughts on healer spec. Do you enjoy it? Pro's/Con's? What's your scenario healing strategy? etc.

Feedthebird said...

As found on the forums:

"Bright Wizards are fine. Learn to rez.