Thursday, October 30, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 7 - White Lions, Bright Wizards and the horror of being a healer without a tank

I don't know what the problem is. I probably don't have enough wounds or something, but when I head into a Scenario and there is a white lion 5 levels above me. He can waltz through my entire team, kill me in about 10 seconds, kill someone else, and end with getting the third guy down to 50% health. The other two guys were DoK's which means that we had decent DPS with heals, and STILL he came in WITHOUT heals and killed almost all of us. Don't complain to me about white lion DPS.

Well, that did it. My sorceress friend and I decided to roll some order to see what the other side of the fence is like. I rolled a bright wizard and he rolled a white lion. Within 3 levels I had gotten an achievement that it took 20 levels on my shaman to get. I killed 100 players in RvR before I hit level 7. Sure, I die a lot but I have no less survivability against a WE than my shaman does against a WL.

Differences between Order and Destruction though:
1. The first scenario I went in, people were bitching at each other before the game even started. That has never happened to me in Destruction.
2. People complained in chat about the level of the people playing.
3. 2 BoE blues dropped, so not only are the devs giving Order more XP, but they're also giving them better drops.
4. Order doesn't play with tanks or healers.
5. A DoK is extremely hard to kill at low levels.
6. WE's are not so bad as long as they don't out level you by 5 levels (to all those order bitching about WE's, why don't you level to an equivalent level first).

Bright Wizards, as far as I've seen, are one of the most complete classes in the game and a lot of fun to play. But I wouldn't give up my shaman for the world though especially with him being on destruction.



T.D. said...

I too encountered said White Lion. It didn't help he had pocket healers most of the time. Not that he had issues solo.

Being at the level cap for a scenario makes a big difference. Considering the spread from 18-31 is pretty massive, bolstered or not.

T.D. said...

It's Thursday. . .
My day feels empty. . .
