Thursday, November 20, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 10 - Whining and Buffs, Tanks and Thanksgiving

Friday night I logged in hoping to achieve another rank on my shaman. I ended up doing so mainly through scenarios (of which we lost only 1 or 2 all night) and PvE grinding for influence rewards. I got my ranged staff (woot bugs!) so now I run around with two staffs on my back. I like the look of the ranged one better so it always warms my heart when my shaman pulls that one out when he's casting.

Well, Mythic has listened to its fanbase, or shall I say that Mythic listened to the healers. For the moment, I will get my reduced time big heal AND there will be no nerf to my HoT. This it amazing. I didn't think they would change it but I'm very happy they didn't. It provides a little more utility to my class with the instant casts. All I can say, if you want a buff, is go whine in the VN forums about how much your class sucks (Mark Jacobs will tell you to delete your character) and then they'll be looked into. Simple as that.

The biggest reason I did so well in scenarios was because tanks started popping out of the woodworks. I had close to 5 BO's in every single scenario. It was wonderful. I loved it and no one really died. The scenarios, if you queued quick enough were popping every 10 seconds. If you didn't queue quick enough you had to wait 20 minutes or so. There were times where I would walk into a scenario and Destruction would already be winning by 100 because no order had been able to show up. Ah, the good old days. I'll say it again, I love tanks.

Next week is Thanksgiving week, and I'll be out of town. I won't be able to play at all for a few weeks so any posts will have to wait.



Josiah said...

Well at least I'm leveling in WoW currently so I won't get ahead of you.

"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
- Napoleon Bonaparte

T.D. said...

They changed WoP back to a willpower debuff >.<

Feedthebird said...

Isn't that change being implemented in 1.0.6 though?

T.D. said...

Its from the ptr. The changed it to be a single application (instead of three) but its still a willpower debuff. Hopefully they just haven't finished with it yet.

Beta_Grumm said...

Wow Gratz on the buffs / not being nerfed! That's sweet!


T.D. said...

I got nerfed and get no hugs?

Josiah said...

I think Micah thought that hugs for Toby was assumed.

P.S. Jordan, let me know what drops.