Friday, November 7, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 8 - Patch 1.05, HoTs and Reroll thoughts

I know I know, I'm a day late, I was busy yesterday with school and the cold weather. Not an excuse but definitely a reason for being late.

Anyways, I heard/read some horrible news yesterday. Mythic has decided to make a few major changes with their characters. Put simply - They did a lot of good things. Playing with fire is majorly toned down on the BW, snares will now properly break, a few classes (SH, Magus, Eng, and maybe a few others got some much needed damage love), and they nerfed the grudge mechanic on IBs. This was a much needed fix because it was the equivalent of a warrior running around with full rage. Anyone who has played WoW will understand what I mean. Also, they buffed DoTs across the board for all classes making it scale better with INT.

But the bad news is that BWs got a buff (but no more than 10% damage increase on their DoTs). Do they even test BWs in the devs brains?! DoTs are the problem with BWs. Yeah the big nukes are scary but with the ability for DoTs to crit (which was a good idea imo) BW could effectively take anyone down but putting their insta cast DoTs on them and then running away. Now they get at least a 4% increase per tick (not including crits) to their DoTs. This is just ludicrous. But that's not the worst of it...

My shaman, who all I felt needed was another direct heal (even if I had to spend a few more points in the mastery tree), got nerfed. If we go by percentage points (and theory) this is how big the nerf is:
Before I had about 1000 HPs total for my 'Ey Quit Bleedin' HoT (my bread and butter spell) in 15 seconds of HoT time. I'm not sure when it actually ticks but I think it's every 3 seconds. So:

1000/5 (every 3 seconds it ticks) = 200 HPs per tick. About the equivalent of 2/5 non crit nuke from a 30 BW (btw, don't feel bad their crits can hit for 1500)

With the increase to HoT time:

1000/8 (every 3 seconds it ticks) = 125 HPs per tick, or the equivalent of less than 1/3 a 30 BW nuke.

200/1000 = 20% of my total healing per tick previously
125/1000 = 12.5% of my total healing per tick after 1.05

That's a total 7.5% decrease per tick after 1.05. This is true of all healers btw, not just shamans. So, in effect all damage got increased by 5%-10% and the main spell cast by healers got nerfed at least 7.5% at my level. That's a 15% turn around meaning 15% more people will die. Meaning 15% less likely I will help change the tide of battle as a healer.

Yes, I know that I'm being irrational about this (not illogical) but imagine if your main ability took 60% longer to take effect. Instead of every 3 seconds a big nuke it's 5 seconds. Doesn't make sense to me personally, but it does make me want to reroll to either a BW, back to my Marauder, or a SH or Magus. This patch hasn't taken effect necessarily though, so it's entirely possible that this change will not pass. If you have any heart, go on the PTR (public test realms) and in the feedback, tell Mythic that you dislike the healing changes because you die 15% faster now.


**edited for math's sake, thanks to Josiah for pointing that out.


The Devs are changing our big 3 second long heal to a 2.5 second cast and it doesn't get knocked back as easily. Nice work mythic, this makes more sense than what I thought you were trying to do.


T.D. said...

3 second nuke was too short and has been lengthened to 5. Damage remains the same.

Bright Wizard:
3 second nuke was considered to long and made instant. We buffed the damage for the hell of it.

Also makes you invulnerable.

Feedthebird said...

"We have decided to make the game more like WoW, and have given BWs a 12 second immunity bubble you can cast out of. Also, any crit heals you for 200% the damage of the crit. We thank you for playing BWARHAMMER ONLINE and for your constant support both in free renown and your $$ so we can play the class of our choice."

- The WARHAMMER Bright Wiz-- I mean development team.

Josiah said...

Honestly, I know nerfs(debuffs?) aren't fun, and I'd be considering rerolling if my Squig Herder got nerfed.

I would like to point out though that shaman healers are still incredibly useful and will make or break any group situation. I wish I could say the same about my squig herder. For destro, shamans have been my preferred healer by far. A nerf might have been necessary. I could talk about my experiences with shamans around who actually heal and how amazing they are, but that wouldn't be an objective assessment.

In any case, my point is that I don't think they've broken your character, or if they have, I don't think they'll leave it that way. I also don't think a single nerf is a reason to drop a class you enjoy. If you still enjoy it, make it work.

One of the thing that made old school pallies cool was that they made their class work despite all the nerfs that came so often. The nerfs also weeded out all the rogue types. This dynamic of the underdog class has of course changed now because pallies are pretty well rounded now.

Anyways, play what you enjoy playing, not what's the most "powerful" (I still think that your class will be extremely powerful post-patch).

Josiah said...

/ \

Feedthebird said...

I agree with you. But it's not just my shaman that go nerfed. All classes have this HoT. And Each of them got hit with this nerf. While all DPS got buffed. All this is doing is making people die faster. Maybe that's their intention, maybe people are supposed to die faster and haven't been, I don't know.

Whatever the reason though, it will get incredibly frustrating to not be able to keep someone up just because a few BW tossed their insta dots on him. I'm not gonna quit my shaman because I still enjoy playing him, but both your classes got pretty majorly buffed in this last patch and you specifically said that you would reroll if a nerf happened to your class.

All this is doing is making me want to play a healer less because it's already no glory playing a healer and now it's even harder to heal the ungratefuls that run around.

T.D. said...

I'm totally grateful.

But I can't help but get the feeling I'm be used. . .

Feedthebird said...

I use Sorcs all the time... "Come into the backseat of the van with me and I'll throw you a shield and a few heals."

T.D. said...

I've found a single shaman can handle two or three sorcs.

Beta_Grumm said...

"All this is doing is making me want to play a healer less because it's already no glory playing a healer and now it's even harder to heal the ungratefuls that run around."

No offense, you're obviously not a healer.
What you described above is what healers do. And we expect no more.

You would make an excellent BW.

At any rate, my magus totally got rolled with buffs! :D
(Even though most of the buffs don't apply to me because I don't have any of those abilities anyways.) :P

Josiah said...

I don't think you should be able by yourself to keep someone up when there's a few bright wizards on them. That's of course my opinion, but it seems more balanced than the opposite.

I think the idea is you make people die more slowly and hopefully they can kill the Order fast enough to reduce the damage so you all survive. I've seen situations though where groups are blasting away at eachother and no one is dieing. They might be trying to curb that phenomenon as people start working together. So far in scenarios all you need is more than 1 dedicated healer and the group can do really well.

"Glory" is hard to achieve as a healer. From the sound of it, you have already started to do that though.

T.D. said...

I got my combustion nerfed but you know what?

I don't care!

b) Sorcs will also see Word of Pain’s debuff changes from a willpower debuff to a resist debuff to match BWs and it will no longer stack Word of Pain and be a single application that deals damage at the end. Stricken Voices will have its cast time removed to match Bright wizard Choking Smoke.

Josiah said...

Willpower debuff sounded cool though cause that would be a healing output debuff.

Feedthebird said...

It's pointless because the amount of willpower that adds to +resist is a lot. So the little amount that he was debuffing wasn't that great.