Friday, December 12, 2008

WARHAMMER Chronicles: Episode 11 - Cast bars and melee

Well, back from a 2 week hiatus I logged in on Friday night last week. Everything seemed a little drearier when I did but I'm gonna blame that on the fact that I was so doggone tired. Well, I logged in. Scenarios didn't pop for about 20 minutes. I'm not sure what the deal is here. I thought my server had a very high population and all that but for some reason or other no one wanted to play on Friday. It's probably WotLK from WoW destroying the WAR's playerbase.

Anyways, when I did finally get in to a scenario something strange happened. I couldn't heal anyone. Suddenly, even though I was back to mork specced I couldn't keep anyone up. I could barely keep myself up under attack from an IB that was wielding a 1 hander. If a BW decided to attack me I was a goner. I haven't experienced that since I first started playing a shaman and decided that INT + WP was better than wounds. I don't know why though. Tanks would die under my watch. A DoK was outhealing me. I couldn't do anything. That's when I figured it out:

My cast bar was bugged. Every single non-instant spell that I had took .5-2 seconds longer than it was supposed to. The cast bar would fill up. Then my character would sit there, wait for a few seconds, and then cast. It was the most frustrating thing as a healer I've ever experienced. No wonder other DoK's were better healers, all their heals are all instants. I got so fed up with it that I couldn't even enjoy Gork Sez Stop (I promise to write a post about the hilarity of this spell at some other time). I ended up rolling a black orc just to have a melee I could run around with.

I figured that since Melee had all instant attacks that they would have the advantage for the next few days. Well, I was right. What I was wrong about was that there were 20 million blackguards and KotBS running around and that meant there weren't any healers. So, I'm sitting there as a black orc and getting no heals and dying over and over again. It is a little frustrating at times.

All in all though, I really like the BO, I'll keep him along with my Marauder as fun little alts. I want to get my shaman to 40 though. At least they've fixed the cast bar by now.



T.D. said...

I'm still pleased about bright wizards losing Detonate.

That joy carried me through to 40 despite the casting bug (curse you 4 second nukes!) but yes, it works now.

Beta_Grumm said...
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Josiah said...

There's a period and a capitalized "Should" "write" in the middle of your sentence.


T.D. said...

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Feedthebird said...

Haha, this conversation doesn't work at all... :P

Beta_Grumm said...


T.D. said...


T.D. said...

Damn, these stupid posts are too small--mess up my Ackbar ascii.

Feedthebird said...

Blogger T.D. said...


Welcome to Playstation home...

Josiah said...

I think these posts have grabbed the original topic, sodomized it, then flushed it down the toilet.

Beta_Grumm said...

Mmm, Toilets.