Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well the time is nigh upon us. I have followed Yahtzee's command and have decided to start up my own web comic. It won't open officially till the first Tuesday in March and I will post a link to the site when we get it going. I was able to find someone who could draw. All I have to do is sit back and wait for the profit to roll in.

Of course we don't have to be funny. We just have to be creative and imaginative. We have to make people think they've never really seen it before. But, I mean come on. It's me and Andrew, how can we not be funny? That's rhetorical no need to answer... :P

I don't know how much I'll be able to continue this blog when the comic becomes official because most of my time will be dedicated to putting the comic up and making sure everything is working properly. We'll have to see how it goes, but this blog might slowly be closing. However, the game analysis (yes I like to call them that) that I do might end up being put on our blog for the comic, so fear not. I will be here still.

Our comic is starting off with two friends who want to start a web comic (original right?) and how the world might look through their eyes. I have been heavily influenced by PA and pvponline, so I would say that our comic is a mixture of both of those as well with a little bit of our own reality thrown in. Needless to say, I think it will be fun and I'm not asking for any more than that.



T.D. said...

Remember to use random gamer terms for real life situations. Guaranteed fanbase.

Feedthebird said...

Like Wii stick for...

Josiah said...

You know that's funny, because I'm going to start up an online comic shortly after you do. Any resemblance to yours is strictly coincidental...

T.D. said...

I'm going to make a comic involving a gamer who has lots of sex with his attractive girlfriend. I'll then use it to give advice to my readers on their sexlives, thus proving my alpha status. Obviously I must know all about sex, because my characters have so much of it.