Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Console Wars: Games/Software (XBOX 360 edition)

Ok, I know these have been incredibly lame and I apologize for that. I've been extremely busy with school starting up again and haven't been able to play any new games to review. Money after the holidays has been tight as well, my 360 went kaput so I had to spend Xmas money on that and now I ended up having to cancel my WAR account. That's ok. WAR is a great game and had more potential than WoW did when I first started playing it. Unfortunately, WoW has a huge fanboy following, almost to the point of Mac and Sony, which takes away from WAR's playerbase. But I digress.

The 360 had a very successful year in 2008. They put out some good games and maybe a few great ones. These include in no particular order:
  • Ninja Gaiden 2: Best - 9/10 (Team Xbox); Worst - 7/10 (Eurogamer)
  • Too Human: Best - 4/5 (Gamepro); Worst - 6/10 (Eurogamer)
  • Fable 2: Best - 10/10 (Eurogamer); Worst - 8.5/10(Gamespot)
  • Gears of War 2: Best - 5/5 (Gamepro); Worst - 9/10 (Eurogamer)
  • Left 4 Dead: Best - 5/5 (X-play); Worst - 8.5/10 (Gamespot)
  • Mass Effect: Best - 10/10 (Official Xbox Magazine); Worst - 7/10 (Edge)
  • Bioshock: Best - 10/10 (Any Review Magazine); Worst - 9/10 (GameSpot)
  • Army of Two: Best - 9/10 (Gamer TV UK); Worst - 4/10 (Edge)
  • Halo 3: Best - 10/10 (Any Review Magazine); Worst - 9.5/10 (GameSpot)

I'm sure there are more that came out, I just can't think of any at the moment. Any help in the comments would be much appreciated. Now, the biggest thing I've noticed from this list vs. the PS3 list is that a lot of the PS3 list has games where it includes user content. Which is a great thing in it's own right, but if you want solid games that were made by companies than choose this console. If you want to build your own levels, the 360 is not for you.

Any suggestions for games for the list above... please put into the comments. This was mostly 2008 exclusive, but I will put other games in there.


Thank to Toby for the suggestion of Bioshock, Army of Two, and Halo 3.


T.D. said...

Army of Two
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Condemned 2: Bloodshot

T.D. said...

Scratch Vegas, that was cross platform.

Josiah said...

I don't think WoW "stole" WAR's player base. It seems like a lot of WoW players are looking for something else and willing to try almost anything else. I think WAR didn't meet expectations for a lot of people, and WoW was still just more fun. I'm sure there's lots of WoW/Blizzard fanboys, but a lot of people just play what's fun.

Feedthebird said...

Having played a decent amount of both, I think that if WAR had more potential to be fun than WoW did after MC. That being said, I didn't mean that WoW stole WAR's playerbase in the way you're thinking of. I meant that WAR needed more people than it got and the reason it didn't get them is because the WoW playerbase wasn't ready to leave.

Feedthebird said...

Oh right, Bioshock, how could I forget that...

T.D. said...

I don't think WAR will ever attract people still playing WoW. It doesn't compete as the system is completely different. If you still have a WoW account, and are expecting PVE raids and loots, then WAR isn't for you. If you want something different than it is. And WAR playerbase is actually increasing, so its kind of a moot argument.

Feedthebird said...

I think WAR was just hoping for more payers than they got, and it'll pick up speed as everything gets hashed out better and better.

Feedthebird said...

Regardless, the next MMO is definitely gonna be the KOTOR one...

T.D. said...

Well they were shooting for 3 million, last reported they broke 1 million and are continuing to get new subscribers.

Josiah said...

I wonder if Blizzard is gonna wait for KOTOR to be about to come out and then completely derail them with Starcraft MMO...

Feedthebird said...

Who would play a Starcraft MMO over a Star wars MMO?

Josiah said...

8745943 people. I really hope KOTOR MMO is good, but I also don't want to get my hopes up...

T.D. said...

Yeah, I haven't really seen much so far that gets me excited besides

A) It's based in the Old Republic

B) It's by Bioware

Beyond that, there's really no telling if it will turn out. Especially since Bioware is owned by EA, who is going through some major financial difficulty right now.

Feedthebird said...

I stopped reading after "It's Bioware"... who cares about the rest?