Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Console Wars

Alright, we all knew this day was coming. I wanted to ignore it because so many people are so fanatical about which console everyone else should be getting. Let me preface this by saying that I don't care which one you like better. All I ask is that you don't put your inhibitions on me. I'm gonna go by the three main ones now. Yes, the PS2 was one of the best consoles ever put out. But it's so old that I've seen one selling for $20.


Xbox 360 - The 360 came out a year before the Wii and the PS3. When the 360 came out though, it had the option of getting an HD DVD player. You could buy a wireless antenna and as such play online. It had one of the best graphics cards ever. All in all, for when the 360 came out. It was top of the line and definitely ready for anything games on the market. Those are the some of the pros for the 360.

Cons - The RROD. For those of you who don't know what that is. It is when there is a cooling failure in the workings of the 360 and it completely freezes up the entire console and you have to send your 360 back in to Microsoft. It ends up being more of a minor convenience because they have changed the warranty for that particular problem to 3 years instead of the one year warranty. Another hardware con is the whole disc drive thing. Apparently when Microsoft was making 360's they decided to skimp a little bit on the disc drive. They left out a small rubber piece that the Wii and the PS3 have in them. This piece costs about $.50 to put in. Now they have several class action lawsuits against them.

Pros- The best processor to date. Honestly, nothing can hold up a stick to this consoles sheer power. It's like 50 computers in a computerized room doing computer stuff. It's incredible. The blue ray player is a huge huge HUGE benefit as well. While you can't necessarily tell when it comes to movies, the ability to put a potential 6 game disc onto 1 disc is definitely good news for the developers.

Cons- With so much power, the expense hits the buyer. No game has even approached the opportunity the ps3 has and therefore they all look about the same as the 360. The processor, while extremely powerful is about the same thing as one of those old supercomputers. You know the things. They took up a whole room, they were powerful and way ahead of their time, but they were only good for doing computations. The PS3 is only good for computing. It's funny because usually the mac users are the ones that proclaim that the PS3 is so superior, while the PS3, out of all the consoles, resembles a PC the most.

Wii - I'll just get this out of the way. Nintendo is wonderful at coming up with new designs. The N64 was way ahead of its time in regards to controllers and ingenuity. The same can be said about the Wii but on a hardware level, it's vastly inferior to the previous two.

That's about all I have time for at the moment. I will get other things in the following weeks.



T.D. said...

Thing about the Wii is all of its (big) games are made by Nintendo. Its more like buying those cheap consoles with all their games built in. I would consider the xbox and ps3 as actual competitors while
the wii is more like saying the xbox 360 competes with powermacs. Not to belittle the Wii, go Nintendo for making an amazingly accessible piece of hardware, but I would say it has a very different market.

Feedthebird said...

They were striving to get those people who normally wouldn't play video games. And they did a phenomenal job. But you won't find a true 'gamer' that would take the Wii over the PS3 or the 360 mainly because the types of games that come out.

But I agree with you. which is why I am not going to talk about the Wii that much when compared to the other two elite consoles

Josiah said...

It's all about Super Nintendo.

Obviously the Xbox 360 is made by Microsoft and the Wii kinda fell flat, therefore Mac fanboys have only the PS3 as an option to adore.

It seems that if Microsoft hadn't used such shoddy construction they would have had a great console.

I think another Con for the 360 and a Pro for the PS3 is that I heard that HD is pretty much failing and Blu-ray might be the one to replace DVD.

Beta_Grumm said...

The Wii fell the total opposite way of flat.

And yes HD dvd is out and bluray is the future. Unfortunately that means Sony gets royalties in order for everyone else to use this "standard" technology. It's kind of a load of crock but so be it.

I will agree though, SUPER NINTENDO IS FOR THE WIN!!!

Josiah said...

The Wii fell round?

Beta_Grumm said...

Actually, this being an after thought, this generation (or round if you will) of consoles didn't really seem have the same "war" competitiveness as in the past.

Each console was different enough in hardware and software and game style that were almost too specific to be as competitive if you know what I mean.

T.D. said...

Wii is the top selling "console" on the market. The point is more you can play such games as "Wii Fit" not "Left 4 Dead." It competes by not competing essentially. That's where I think the consoles diverge is the exclusive games they have.

PROTIP: Xbox has all the good ones ;)

Feedthebird said...

Actually I would say this is much more of a console war than in years past. Maybe my memory isn't serving too well, but other console franchises failed going against the ps2 and n64. I'm thinking sega. Up until microsoft decided to throw billions of dollars to make themself noteworthy in the industry, the ps2 was head and shoulders above the rest of the 'competition'.

And you're right Josiah. I was gonna mention blue-ray vs. HD-DVD in my software post coming soon.

Best console ever? I'll have to make a post about that. But it depends on what we're going off of. Because different people have different nostalgic views of the old consoles. I personally loved the Sega Genesis.

T.D. said...

Mortal Kombat + Sega Genesis = Win

Josiah said...

I had Jurassic Park for Sega Genesis. It was so awesome, and it was really hard too. I actually never beat it. I couldn't defeat the raptors at the end. X-Men was a really sweet game for that too.

I remember being annoyed at all the loading times with the original Playstation when I first played it, because it used cds. The N64 cartridges were so much faster, and you could store everything in the cartridge, so no memory cards for the N64. It's also interesting that the PS1 came out in 95, the N64 in 96, then nothing significant till the PS2 in 2000. I also really liked the games for N64, Zelda, a Star Wars game, Mario Kart, and of course Goldeneye.

Josiah said...

Did anyone ever play a Dreamcast? I saw them but never played one.

Feedthebird said...

Seems to me that the PS1 more laid foundation for the PS2 and PS3. Not to say it wasn't a good console, but the N64 had it beat. I still love all those games for the N64. Mario is a great franchise... too bad they can't come up with anything new since Super Smash Brothers.

Feedthebird said...

Haha, now that you mention it, Josiah, I looked up the Dreamcast last night. Apparently it was an incredible piece of machinery that only has a lower place on the totem pole because Sony completely took over all the games with the PS2.

Wikipedia has an excellent article one it.

T.D. said...

Dreamcast is generally considered one of the biggest console flops if I recall correctly. I do remember playing Soul Caliber on it though. That was sweet back in the day.