Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Console Wars: Games/Software (The Wii edition)

To being, I would like to say, I love the Wii. I thought it was a great idea and they did a wonderful job with being innovative and thinking outside the box. That's the thing with the Nintendo franchise. It is perfect for testing things and seeing how they work. The NES and SNES were some of the first to use a d-pad and 4 button controllers effectively. The N64 helped usher in the analog sticks and now the Wii has gotten us one step closer to interactive rooms and virtual fighting. This is also a reason why the gamecube wasn't really that good, it didn't do anything new.

While the actual console for Nintendo has always been ahead of its time, the games are always the same. You never really get any original games for a nintendo console, you get remakes where they do things better. But the best games on the Nintendo are on the SNES and the N64. The Wii games are all copies.

  • Super Mario Galaxy: Best - 10/10 (Edge); Worst - 9.5/10 (Gamespot)
  • Super Smash Brothers Brawl: Best - 10/10 (Nintendo Power); Worst - 9/10 (Eurogamer)
  • Mario Kart Wii: Best - 37/40 (Famitsu); Worst - 6/10 (Edge)
  • Wii Fit: Best - 91% (Official Nintendo Magazine); Worst - 6.8/10 (Computer and Video Games
  • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Best - 10/10 (Game Informer); Worst 8.8/10 (Gamespot)
  • Wii Sports: Best - 8/10 (Eurogamer); Worst - 6.5/10 (Game Informer)
  • Super Paper Mario: Best - 9.5/10 (Game Informer); Worst - 7/10 (Edge)
This will likely be brought up in the comments, but Nintendo has always had it's own developers for its consoles. This means that there really aren't too many poorly made games because they are designed specifically for the Wii. Just like Final Fantasy games work best on the Playstations.


Josiah said...

I haven't played much Wii. I've always greatly enjoyed Zelda. Mario was great on NES and SNES but I was underwhelmed by Mario World on N64. Of course, Mario Kart was a blast.

How are the Wii versions?

P.S. 2nd word should be "begin".

Word Verification: knostse - reminds me of St. Judes

Feedthebird said...

N64 was probably the epitomy of the Nintendo franchise...

Feedthebird said...

I've only played the Wii specific games (i.e. wii sports and wii fit and the SSB). I've wanted to try others but I doubt I will have the chance ever.

T.D. said...

Nintendo is responsible for 90ish percent of the gaming industries profits this year. Folk are saying how video games are immune to the economic whatsit, but really its simply Nintendo that is immune. Really though, I find it somewhat unfair to compare to Xbox and Playstation. The DSlite outsold everything for a while, but does that make it the greatest console? Or even the most succesful (at that point anyway).

I'd have to say its really apples and oranges when the two are compared, which leads to all the difficulty of comparing them. For twenty somethings like ourselves, a Wii would be a secondary console. In the same way I'd own a Windows laptop and an iPhone. I wouldn't depend on the iPhone to do my major computing on, in fact I couldn't as it doesn't even offer the software needed, but damn is it a fun thing to have.

So go Nintendo, they broke out of the ratrace by simply not competing. Sure its a "console" and works off the basic principals of console gaming--except the controller bit, serves as an example of how different the Wii really is--but it is an entirely different animal. Until I start seeing Bioshock and Farcry 2 for the Wii (which we won't, not only because it would explode but because it has nothing to do with their target audience) I maintain that its a completely different animal.

Word Verification: moills

i.e: "I have moills on my buttocks!"

Beta_Grumm said...

I agree with Toby.
I actually really enjoy the wii. I will admit I was totally skeptical when it first came out.
It has a very casual gaming feel to it and that can be very refreshing

The new mario kart for wii is great. Josiah if you liked the other mario karts, I think you would really enjoy this one as well.

Josiah said...

Oranges > Apples

Feedthebird said...

That's the thing though, you have to include the Nintendo because in 5 years Sony and Microsoft will be using the technology to do it. I do agree with you on one sense, Toby, but at the same time, it does take away from the potential sales of other consoles.

The Wii is like the Pot of video game addiction. It's nice, makes you feel good, and is pretty shallow on the scale. But, playing the Wii makes you want more so you buy the heroine and cocaine (i.e. PS3 and 360). The Wii experience is enjoyable but not especially hardcore